Objective: to offer managers the opportunity to experiment with different coaching tools and practice applying the coaching mindset in the context of their work, as well as to integrate these skills into their daily work. We encourage self-analysis, the development of a suitable coaching leadership handwriting, as well as the inspiration to share the experiences of group members.  

Format: 3-hour workshops (maximum number of participants 25) where we present the tools that a manager can use in their daily work to enhance management. At the beginning of each practice, we talk about psychological theories and models that relate to the theme of the practitioner, which help to understand the background of the use of specific techniques. 

I Empowerment and recognition 

  • Attention, noticing, valuing as leadership skills 
  • Appreciative Inquiry – a valued mindset in leadership 
  • Ways to give positive feedback 
  • Analysis of success stories – recognition and learning from success 
  • Strengths-based management – how to highlight an employee’s strengths to empower, increase their self-confidence and motivation 

II Motivating objectives and supporting their implementation 

  • Motivation in the context of work 
  • How to support the internal motivation of the employee? 
  • How to help an employee set motivating goals that can be effectively implemented? 
  • Targeting: EXACT model, Carol Wilson 
  • How to measure progress? What to do in case of setbacks, how to overcome them? 
  • Fundamentals of prioritization and planning 

III Problem solving 

  • When to use coaching: who has a problem, who is responsible for solving it? Models of Thomas Gordon. 
  • Levels of communication: Eric Berne. From what level does the interlocutor communicate, from what level does I? How to lead the conversation to the adult level, to the level of constructive problem solving? 
  • GROW model – classic coaching 
  • Grow model practice 

IV Constructive feedback to change behavior 

  • Coaching feedback model: collaborative conversation 
  • Basic skills of assertiveness 
  • How to talk about complex/uncomfortable topics 

V Conflict resolution 

  • Conflict between manager and employee vs. conflict mediation between two employees 
  • Conflict as a way to strengthen and develop relationships  
  • As a leader, how do you relate to conflict? Attitudes, experiences, personality traits  
  • Finding your own balance, managing emotions
  • Managing the conversation in case of conflict – how to deal with complex topics. The process of resolving the conflict. 

VI Self-coaching: how to be your own coach? 

  • What models to use to solve your own problems? 
  • How to take care of your own mental well-being? 
  • Mindfulness and emotion management 

VII Coaching team management 

  • Inclusive and effective discussions in the team: how to build and manage them? 
  • How to create and maintain positive energy in a team 
  • OKR model for targeting and solving complex topics 

Maarja Sau

Senior Consultant

Tuuli Junolainen

Senior Consultant and Coac

Küsi meilt