We base the sustainability of our partnership on professionalism

Why choose us?

Our experience and research-based approach offer comprehensive and flexible solutions

  • We will be a part of your team, helping you stay one step ahead by sharing our research findings and the latest market insights and trends;
  • We use only scientifically proven methodologies and interview methods, which we personalize for each client;
  • We are the largest recruitment agency in Estonia with 25+ years of experience, entrusted with the most complex positions in Estonia and abroad.

Guaranteed quality

  • We carry out an average of 160 complex recruitment projects per year, which we individually match to the needs of each company;
  • We are experts not only in recruitment and HR but also in specific business sectors/functions;
  • All our work is covered by a guarantee.
More about us
On the market since 1995

We’re recommended by:

Our project was managed professionally and quickly, the long lists were extensive, matched the context and came with background information. In a small country like Estonia managers often believe that they can fill a vacancy on their own. Tripod introduced new angles, areas and fresh candidates. They listened to us carefully, understood our needs and delivered real value, saving us lots of time and energy.

Valdur Laid, UGI
Valdur Laid, UGI

The team analyses by Tripod clearly highlighted our strengths and needs as a team. We established our individual development needs and agreed on a detailed activity plan, which will help us take practical steps on our own. Tripod’s coach created a trusting and friendly atmosphere and made everyone comfortable. The process was professional, practical and solution-oriented. We achieved our goal to grow as a team and learn more about our colleagues.

Anneli Roosalu, National Foundation of Civil Society, Executive Director
Anneli Roosalu, National Foundation of Civil Society, Executive Director

Excellent cooperation involves a partner who can really feel your needs and expectations, and provide a solution to any problem, even a time-critical one. The essential criteria are integrity, reliability and dedicated experts who have a rich choice of tools – this is what Tripod team is about.

Marelle Pihlak, Saarioinen Estonia, HR Manager
Marelle Pihlak, Saarioinen Estonia, HR Manager

We expected to find excellent employees, investing an optimal amount of time. The ability of Tripod’s staff to work to schedule and stick to deadlines is impressive: they were there for us all the time, replying to our emails even at the latest hour, open to listen to our ideas and give advice. Thanks to their outstanding performance, we recruited four people instead of two.

Merike Jaamul, Estonian Railways, HR Manager
Merike Jaamul, Estonian Railways, HR Manager

Our long-term cooperation is founded on trust and Tripod’s ability to really understand customer and business needs. I can rest assured if Tripod takes care of our recruitment projects and organisation studies. I see great added value in Tripod’s ability to test candidates with reliable measures. I will certainly continue to work with them, and recommend Tripod to others who are looking for a dependable partner.

Indrek Sarjas, G4S Estonia, HR Director
Indrek Sarjas, G4S Estonia, HR Director

Tripod has been our cooperation partner for years. The solutions offered support our needs. This does not mean, however, that we always get what we ask for. The main value for us lies in the fact that the professionals at Tripod can positively navigate between our wishes and the opportunities available. At the end, we can be sure that our surveys are founded on proven methods and we really know why it’s important to follow that.

Kristiina Palm,Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund, HR Manager
Kristiina Palm,Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund, HR Manager

For over ten years, we have used Tripod’s assistance in more complicated recruitment projects and also when pressed by time. When using their services, we can be sure that all procedures and ethical standards are followed professionally, and the goals are achieved. And last but not least – the people at Tripod are really friendly and helpful!

Age Razumova,Henkel Balti OÜ, HR Manager
Age Razumova,Henkel Balti OÜ, HR Manager

Cooperation with Tripod has offered us security and trust. We have conducted together several complicated and demanding projects, and they have never let us down. In addition to practical and professional advice they are friendly and supportive, as well as stick to deadlines without compromising quality. Tripod is my preferred recruitment partner!

Mari-Liis Kreem, Stora Enso
Mari-Liis Kreem, Stora Enso

We share knowledge

Mis kujundas töötajate heaolu tööl aastal 2024 kõige enam?
21 Jan 2025

Mis kujundas töötajate heaolu tööl aastal 2024 kõige enam?

Möödunud aasta oli Tripodi organisatsioonide arenduses siiani kõige tegusam. Küsitlesime 51 projekti raames üle 21 500 Eesti ja rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonide töötajaid, et teada saada, mis päriselt nende tööheaolu mõjutab. Tuttavad teemad on endiselt aktuaalsed Juba aastaid oleme täheldanud, et üheks tugevaimaks töötajate heaolu mõjutajaks on olnud vahetu juhtimine. Pea 95% meie poolt küsitletud organisatsioonides on […]

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Koostööuuring organisatsioonis – põhjalik lähenemine sagedasele arenguvajadusele

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Personality traits shaping management culture: experience from Rail Baltica

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How to get most out of an engagement survey?
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How to get most out of an engagement survey?

It is well known that running an engagement survey is all about uncovering insights into your organization, such as strengths and development needs. However, questions remain on how to ensure that the participation rate is high, and the results are followed up. For meaningful action to occur that can create a lasting change on all […]

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How to measure and improve cooperation in your organization?
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How to measure and improve cooperation in your organization?

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Blog Surveys
How to get most out of an engagement survey?
08 Apr 2021

How to get most out of an engagement survey?

It is well known that running an engagement survey is all about uncovering insights into your organization, such as strengths and development needs. However, questions remain on how to ensure that the participation rate is high, and the results are followed up. For meaningful action to occur that can create a lasting change on all levels of the organization, […]

Blog Surveys
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