Mis kujundas töötajate heaolu tööl aastal 2024 kõige enam?
Möödunud aasta oli Tripodi organisatsioonide arenduses siiani kõige tegusam. Küsitlesime 51 projekti raames üle 21 500 Eesti ja rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonide töötajaid, et teada saada, mis päriselt nende tööheaolu mõjutab. Tuttavad teemad on endiselt aktuaalsed Juba aastaid oleme täheldanud, et üheks tugevaimaks töötajate heaolu mõjutajaks on olnud vahetu juhtimine. Pea 95% meie poolt küsitletud organisatsioonides on […]

Koostööuuring organisatsioonis – põhjalik lähenemine sagedasele arenguvajadusele
Juba hulk aastaid tuleb organisatsioonide puhul tüüpilisena esile vajadus parandada koostööd üksuste vahel. Läinud aastal meie toel organisatsiooniuuringu läbi viinud ettevõtetest ligikaudu 85% luges oma peamiseks arenguvajaduseks just üksustevahelist koostööd. Sel puhul tekib juhtidel tihti küsimus, kuidas seda valdkonda põhjalikumalt kaardistada, et olukorda kogutud info põhjal hiljem parandada. Siin ongi abi koostööuuringust. Koostöö põhjalik kaardistamine […]

Is e-coaching comparable to face-to-face coaching? Lessons learned
The present circumstances have compelled a number of coaches and trainers to take their activities online. Opinions vary from online contact ʻnot being quite the one’ to e-coaching, e-training and e-counselling working just fine and as required. What are the lessons to be learned from this intense period? Liisa Raudsepp, Coach and Trainer at Tripod, […]

Personality traits shaping management culture: experience from Rail Baltica
Rail Baltica is the largest Baltic-region infrastructure project in the last 100 years. It is a greenfield rail transport infrastructure project with a goal to integrate the Baltic States in the European rail network. Clearly, creating and implementing the Rail Baltica project is also a great management challenge. In order to be more aware of managers’ […]
Recruitment or staff search
The basis for successful recruitment How long is the recruitment process? The recruitment process normally takes 4-6 weeks. After the search stage, we usually present to the client 3-5 candidates who meet the expectations described in the job profile best. We also collect references for the candidates, which helps make an informed decision. The price […]

How to get most out of an engagement survey?
It is well known that running an engagement survey is all about uncovering insights into your organization, such as strengths and development needs. However, questions remain on how to ensure that the participation rate is high, and the results are followed up. For meaningful action to occur that can create a lasting change on all […]

How to measure and improve cooperation in your organization?
It is well known that not all organizations function in identical ways; however, it is quite common for most of them to rely on strong teamwork. That is exactly why the key is a work environment that supports collaboration and cooperation amongst colleagues. Such an environment does not always emerge naturally, which poses the question […]

How to get most out of an engagement survey?
It is well known that running an engagement survey is all about uncovering insights into your organization, such as strengths and development needs. However, questions remain on how to ensure that the participation rate is high, and the results are followed up. For meaningful action to occur that can create a lasting change on all levels of the organization, […]