The basis for successful recruitment

We provide comprehensive recruitment and selection service – in cooperation with the client, we analyse the job profile, select, interview and assess potential candidates.
Recruitment is a critical activity for any organisation, as the right people will help drive the business forward. Before starting a recruitment process, we wish to discuss with the client the initial objectives to be set and the expectations for the candidate.
A clear understanding of who we are looking for and why we are looking for them will contribute to smooth collaboration and the outcome that makes the people involved happy. In this way, we can select the most appropriate search methods and adequately assess candidates to select candidate who is the best choice for your organisation.
Taking into account the client’s needs and the job profile, we will choose from among the following tools:
- executive search
- database search
- a publicly advertised search
- or a combination of these to achieve the best result.
How long is the recruitment process?
The recruitment process normally takes 4-6 weeks. After the search stage, we usually present to the client 3-5 candidates who meet the expectations described in the job profile best. We also collect references for the candidates, which helps make an informed decision.
The price of the recruitment service depends on the complexity of the search, the position and the search method chosen. We will do our best to find the right person, based on job-person fit, and our service comes with a warranty.
Overview of recruitment process
Our recruitment service is intended to provide you with a full solution. We will help you walk through the entire process from understanding and defining whom you actually need (analysing the job profile and setting the initial task) to the selection of the right candidate. Successful recruitment requires both an adequate assessment of technical skills and an understanding of whether the new hire will also fit with the company’s values and culture.
Analysing the job profile
Successful recruitment presumes a detailed analysis and agreement on on the candidate profile with the client. Based on the final and approved profile, we can pick the most appropriate recruitment method. This gives the employer the confidence that the new recruit will be suitable for the job and deliver as expected.
As to candidates, a clear profile will help them understand whether they can picture themselves doing the job, if they meet the requirements, and, whether the job can be a source of interest for them, offer the desired career opportunities or development potential.
Choosing the search method
Taking into account the needs of the company, the profile of the position and the market situation, we choose in cooperation with the client the most effective search method. Depending on the position to be fill, the recruitment process will either involve a single search method or a combination of several methods.
Executive search
In executive search or headhunting, we identify suitable candidates already working in the field and make them a personal offer to participate in the project. The method involves in-depth market research (through mapping the companies active in the sector) and is generally most effective in areas where there is very little movement of labour in the market or when filling strategic positions.
Executive search would be the choice to consider for recruiting, e.g. top managers and staffing very demanding specialist positions.
Publicly advertised search
In the case of open competition, we publish advertisements agreed with the client in suitable channels. This method allows the client to choose from a pool of interested candidates who will contact them on the basis of the advertisement. This method is suitable for positions where job posting is common and in sectors where the labour market is usually active.
Database search
In database search, we use large public databases to find suitable candidates, and screen for potential matches based on the client’s expectations and our own experience. Searching from databases is one of the fastest search methods, but you can only choose from candidates who have posted their resumes in public databases.
Pre-selection and evaluation
As a next step in the recruitment process, we select the candidates who best match the search profile, and then contact them. We will briefly speak about the vacancy and gauge their interest.
We use semi-structured and focused in-depth interviews to go through the candidates’ education, previous work experience, skills, personal qualities and motivation. The interview forms the qualitative part of the assessment.
Administering tests
One of the strengths of our recruitment service is the opportunity to use professional psychometric tests as part of the assessment process. We complement the interviews with psychological tests developed at Tripod. We ask candidates to complete tests that measure the personality traits and cognitive ability aspects that are relevant to the position to be filled.
Testing allows for comparing the final candidates on the basis of specific measurable characteristics. Thanks to this, we can identify the candidates who have the best prerequisites for outstanding performance in the position.
Tests can come in handy also when candidates appear equally strong and suitable — in that case, tests help identify their distinctive features.
The final part of our recruitment process is to contact the final candidates’ former employers for references. The background check is conducted exclusively by Tripod, who is responsible for all the necessary coordination to ensure compliance with the Estonian data protection principles, candidate confidentiality and the objectivity of the background check.