We collect information about You using cookies and similar technologies. Cookies are small files that are temporarily stored on Your device’s hard drive and enable to recognize You during other visits to websites, to save Your personal browsing history, options, to customize content, to accelerate website searches, to create a comfortable and friendly website environment, to present it in a more efficient and reliable way. Cookies are commonly used in web browsing, facilitating the enjoyment of websites.
By means of cookies we may collect the following information: IP address, browser type, demographic data.
We use the information obtained by means of cookies for the following purposes:
to ensure the functionality of websites (e. g., to enable You to personalize websites);
to analyse the use of websites;
to improve and develop our websites to better meet Your needs;
to develop services; and
for targeted focus of marketing.
Without prejudice to the legislation, we may combine the information obtained by means of cookies with the information obtained by other means (e. g., information on the use of websites, personal data provided by Yourself, etc.).
Websites may use the following types of cookies:
technical cookies are cookies that are essential for the functioning of websites;
functional cookies are cookies that although not essential for the functioning of websites significantly improve their performance, quality and user experience;
analytical cookies are cookies that are used to develop the statistical analysis of navigation methods of website visitors; the data collected by these cookies is used anonymously;
target or promotional cookies are cookies that are used to show offers or other information that may be of interest to Your;
cookies of social networks are cookies that are essential for the use of information from websites in one’s social profile account.
All information about cookies used on websites, their purpose, expiry, and used data are available [here].
You may give Your consent to use cookies in the following ways:
by not deleting them and/or not changing Your Internet browser settings so that it would stop accepting cookies;
by clicking the tag “I accept” on the link (bar) appearing on websites;
expressing Your consent at the time of signing up in websites.
You may at any time withdraw Your consent given to us to use cookies. You can do this by changing Your Internet browser settings so that it would stop accepting cookies. How to do this depends on Your operating system and the Internet browser. Detailed information on cookies, their use and refusal options are available on http://AllAboutCookies.org or http://google.com/privacy_ads.html.
In some cases, in particular the deactivation of technical and functional cookies, the rejection or deletion of cookies, may slow down browsing, restrict the functionality of certain websites or even block access to websites.