Here you will find references and poster presentations on the psychometric properties of Tripod tests.
Mental ability scales
VVS/7: Mental Ability Scale for Specialists (Pullmann, Šīmane-Vīgante, Lemešiūtė, Veltmann, 2023) Pullmann, H., Šīmane-Vīgante, L., Lemešiūtė, J. ja Veltmann, M. (2023). Assessment of mental abilities in the Baltic states: The development of VVS/7 scale. Paper presented at the conference organised by the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
VVS: Mental Ability Scale for Specialists (Pullmann, Tõnissaar, Niit and Veltmann, 2012) Pullmann, H., Tõnissaar, M., Niit, H. and Veltmann, M. Personality traits and intelligence as predictors of police officers’ performance in Estonian Police College. Paper presented at the 8th Conference of the International Test Commission, 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
VVS-JUHT: Managers’ Mental Ability Scale (Veltmann and Pullmann, 2011) Veltmann, M. and Pullmann, H. Personality traits and mental abilities of Estonian leaders. Paper presented at the 11th European Conference on Psychological Assessment, Riga, Latvia, 2011.
VVS-SB: Swedbank Mental Ability Scale (Veltmann, Veide and Pullmann, 2012) Veltmann, M., Veide, T. and Pullmann, H. Veltmann, M., Veide, T. and Pullmann, H. Mental abilities vary by managerial level: A case of Hansabank Estonia. Paper presented at the 8th Conference of the International Test Commission, 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Personality questionnaires
NEO-TRI: personality inventory for specialists (Pullmann, Raudsepp and Veltmann, 2012) Pullmann, H., Raudsepp, L. and Veltmann, M. Cross-national comparison of personality profiles of Estonians, Latvians, and Lithuanians. Paper presented at the 8th Conference of the International Test Commission, 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
IK-JUHT: personality inventory for managers (Veltmann and Pullmann, 2011) Veltmann, M. and Pullmann, H. Personality traits and mental abilities of Estonian leaders. Paper presented at the 11th European Conference on Psychological Assessment, 2011, Riga, Latvia.
Tests for counselling
VVS-N: Mental Ability Scale for Counselling (Veltmann, Raudsepp and Pullmann, 2011) Veltmann, M., Raudsepp, L. and Pullmann, H. General mental ability predicting achievement in mathematics. Paper presented at the 11th European Conference on Psychological Assessment, 2011, Riga, Latvia
TASK: career orientation questionnaire (Raudsepp, Veltmann and Pullmann, 2011) Raudsepp, L., Veltmann, M. and Pullmann, H., (in Hungarian). Testing personality traits and vocational orientations in career counselling. Paper presented at the 11th European Conference on Psychological Assessment, 2011, Riga, Latvia.