Successful targeting and effective recruitment of a top manager requires that the company is able to clearly articulate the management function for which the manager is needed and what the challenge offers to the potential candidate.
What kind of jobs do we have in-depth experience in?
- General management: CEO, COO
- Other level C managers: Sales, Marketing, Manufacturing, Logistics, Energy, Finance
- Public sector: Director General, Head or KT of an agency or institution, School Principal, Library Director
What are the current challenges in Executive Search?
Challenges include managing a team in a situation where certainty is difficult to promise and secure, as well as maintaining and achieving commitment. In many organisations, generational change, managing innovation and new ways of working and managing diversity of content also require attention. In addition, renewing strategy in a changing environment and launching workable business plans are top of the agenda.
How to optimise recruitment in Executive Search?
Cooperation with the client is essential in the recruitment of top managers. This means developing a clear understanding of the organisation’s needs and advising the client based on our knowledge of the market and the sector. A well-thought-out starting point will ensure the desired outcome. It is important to identify the key focus areas on which the recruit will concentrate, as well as the experience and competencies needed to successfully address them. In niche areas, it is also important to think about similar business models in other areas to broaden the pool of potential candidates and bring a fresh perspective to the business.
Day-to-day experience in the search for top and sector leaders will provide important additional insights for the initial brief and the final profile of the candidate. We receive constant feedback from candidates and have an understanding of the labour market – something that is usually not available to the same extent within the recruiting company. The recruitment of a top manager is a success when both parties have outlined and agreed on a common development path, recognising each other’s value and competencies.
Which clients do we reach?
Today, a partner usually comes to us through a personal contact or a referral, when their challenge is more difficult than average. We recruit from a wide range of business sectors and are also a search partner for the public sector.
What kind of positions do we have in-depth experience in?
As senior executives, we recruit both CEOs and board members responsible for different areas. In the public sector, our most frequent searches are for the Director General of an agency or institution, or his or her acting Director General.
Why choose Tripod?
- You will be supported by a team specialised in recruitment projects in the relevant sector.
- We have a network of partners covering all the Baltic States and experience in international projects.
- We use professional evidence-based methods in both recruitment and assessment.
- We offer a comprehensive recruitment service with the final price and a guarantee.