HR managers, HR partners, recruiters and hiring managers who want to familiarise themselves with Tripod’s psychological tests are welcome to attend the seminar. We will discuss the validity of the tests compared to other methods of personnel selection, based on a meta-analysis from 2016 (Schmidt et al, 2016).
We will explain, with the help of practical examples, which tests to use for which competitions. We will conduct a job analysis to assess psychological competences with the help of tests.
We will share practical experience of assessing hundreds and thousands of candidates through our own and our clients’ eyes.
Before and after the seminar, participants will have the opportunity to complete three Tripod tests
- the personality questionnaire NEO-TRI/2,
- the mental ability test VVS/7
- a visual speed and accuracy test VKT. The results will be sent automatically by email. A feedback session will be held during the seminar.
Seminar schedule
29.02 Tripod psychological tests for recruitment and personnel selection.
I. group at 10:00 – 11:30 and II. group at 15:00 – 16:30
When and why to use psychological tests? How to make sure the tests are reliable and have real “predictive power”? How to use tests in personnel selection?
26.03 Personality assessment during recruitment. Tripod Personality Tests.
I. group at 10:00 – 11:30 and II. group at 15:00 – 16:30
How to assess personality? We are talking about The Big Five personality theory – it is the personality model most widely applied in personality psychology. We will talk about how personality traits manifest in everyday behavior and how they are related to performance in different workplaces. How to create a personality profile for the workplace and find the most suitable candidate.
25.04 Evaluation of managers with psychological tests. Tripod driver tests.
I. group at 10:00 – 11:30 and II. group at 15:00 – 16:30
Are drivers special – do we need separate tests to evaluate drivers? Tripod has developed a test package specially designed for evaluating drivers, where the test taker’s results are compared with the results of 425 Estonian drivers. We are talking about the evaluation of managers both during promotion and recruitment, as well as advising management teams with the help of test results.
30.05 Talent assessment in technology, production and IT. Tripod Spatial Ability Scale RVS.
I. group at 10:00 – 11:30 and II. group at 15:00 – 16:30
How to find out the potential to become an IT professional? Many well-known Estonian IT companies have successfully used Tripod’s spatial ability test RVS to find talent.
The seminars will take place at 10:00 – 11:30 and 15:00 – 16:30 at the Tripod office in Ülemiste City, at Lõõtsa 1A, on the 1st floor. Participation is free. All participants can complete the Tripod tests and receive written feedback on their results. Group size up to 12 people. To participate, please register: or fill out reg. form below.