Tripod’s Specialist Package is just right for people applying for specialist jobs, from entry-level specialist to senior specialist. In the specialist tests, the candidate’s results are compared with the average results of candidates who have been tested in the past.
Personality Inventory NEO-TRI/2 by Tripod consists of 199 self-report items, which take on average 30 to 40 minutes to complete.
Specialist Ability Scale VVS/7 by Tripod takes 40 minutes to complete. The test is divided into four sections based on the type of exercises, and each section starts with instructions and samples.
Personality Inventory NEO-TRI/2 is based on the Big Five personality theory, the most widely used approach in the world. The questionnaire describes the respondent’s personality profile in terms of five characteristics, with three additional characteristics rated as subscales for each core characteristic. These five personality traits are:
- Emotional Stability describes the inherent resilience to negative emotions. Emotionally stable people are predominantly calm, self-satisfied, relaxed and able to keep their emotions in check in critical situations. People who are prone to negative emotions, on the other hand, tend to be anxious, nervous and agitated and are more likely to be dissatisfied with themselves and others.
Subscales: Depression, Helplessness, Irritability
- Extraversion is a characteristic of people who are sociable, talkative and overwhelmingly optimistic. They have no difficulty managing others, taking risks, going on adventures and building new relationships. People scoring low on Extraversion, on the other hand, are generally quiet, reserved, uninvolved and modest.
Subscales: Persuasion, Leadership, Initiative
- Agreeableness indicates a person’s positive or negative orientation towards other people. A highly social person is seen as compassionate, helpful, kind and forgiving. On the other hand, people with lower Agreeableness may be suspicious and critical, and dislike cooperation and consideration for others.
Subscales: Trust, Friendliness, Tender-mindedness
- Conscientiousness expresses a person’s diligence, perseverance, ambition and trustworthiness. People scoring low may appear to others as aimless, carefree, sometimes even sloppy or lacking in willpower. They may have problems with planning and performance.
Subscales: Competence, Order, Achievement Striving
- Openness is characterised by good imagination, a sense of aesthetics, a search for variety, intellectual curiosity and creativity. People with lower Openness tend to be more practical, adhere more strongly to tradition and prefer routine activities.
Subscales: Innovation, Adaptability, Ideas
Mental Ability Scale VVS/7 helps get an overview of a person’s overall mental ability, i.e. that part of cognitive ability which is primarily concerned with reasoning and generalisation, the ability to acquire new knowledge effectively and the ability to solve tasks quickly and accurately. It also contributes significantly to the ability to cope with unexpected situations, to make decisions, to draw inferences, and to create an overall vision based on details.
In addition to defining the level of general cognitive ability, the test allows for a description of the various aspects of verbal, mathematical, spatial and logical reasoning.
- Verbal Ability is expressed in terms of linguistic dexterity and the accurate perception and effective command of verbal information. A high score on this scale reflects excellent performance in the perception and grasp of verbal information. Therefore, the test taker can be considered to be above average in activities that require accurate verbal recognition and the ability to analyse and accurately use information from a variety of texts.
- Mathematical Ability reflects, in particular, logical reasoning, analytical skills and the ability to use numerical information effectively. A high score on this scale indicates that the test taker is faster and more accurate than average at analysing numerical information and drawing conclusions from the information provided. They are characterised by advanced and versatile mathematical thinking.
- Spatial Thinking relates to of an effective and rapid perception of spatial relationships between objects, visualisation of events and orientation in space. Above the average spatial ability scores reflect advanced logical reasoning, the ability to visualise, predict and analyse spatial relationships significantly better than average. More broadly, it indicates the ability to perceive events from different aspects, as well as good generalisation and analysis. Thus, the test taker can be considered more successful in activities that require figurative and logical thinking and the analysis of complex and varied information.
- Logical Reasoning involves general analytical and deductive skills. People scoring high on this scale are able to process mathematical and logical information, draw conclusions and anticipate consequences without extra effort.
Such a differentiated approach to intellectual intelligence makes allows for describing the profile of an individual’s mental abilities and understand the person’s ability to learn new things, adapt to new demands, communicate their ideas clearly as well as solve tasks quickly and accurately.
It takes up to 40 minutes to complete VVS/7.
Analysis of the scales confirms that VVS/7 has excellent psychometric properties. A representative normative sample is used to interpret the test results, where the results of a particular individual are compared with the corresponding gender and age norm group. A calculator and making notes may be used as aids during the test.
To request an evaluation service, please contact us here!